Golden Ticket
To assist students in reducing laptop repairs/losses, the media center (Ms. Hohn) has developed an incentive program that awards homeroom classes for their efforts.
We will provide incentives for the following:
Over the course of five consecutive days,
Homerooms with 100% of students present for homeroom/1st period.
All students must have their assigned laptop (and charger) fully operational and ready for the day. Teachers submit each day via form link on CTLS.
Students must not damage/lose device for the submitted day.
Homerooms with students in ISS. The student must also comply with homeroom qualifying requirements.
Excused absence/tardy
Device is being repaired because of malfunctioning.
Homerooms with less than 100% of students (incudes OSS).
Device is already lost or being repaired because of damage.
Device is submitted for lost/damage on submitted day.
Unexcused absence/tardy
Use of loaners for damaged/lost devices
Incentives (Choose one):
“Freedom Fridays” – occurs during homeroom on an admin-approved Friday. Snacks will be provided by the media center.
3d printing
Movies/Youtubes/board games/Gaming in the Media Center
Makerspace in the Media Center
Pizza for Lunch
Afternoon “Nap-Time” in the media center – 15mins lights off, sleep in during lunch
Victory lap around the school
Dance on stage/Mini talent show
Homeroom teachers will use the worksheet provided by Ms. Hohn to keep track of progress and return to the Media Center.